Unity Conscious Leadership®:
Crises as a fertile source for personal, cultural and professional leadership development.
(face to face and
online guidance)
What is the meaning of health, happiness and peace for you? And how do you achieve that?

Imagine living in a world where…
• Everyone’s potential is allowed to grow and manifest
• Obstacles are used for self-growth
• We transcend mutual differences
• We find answers and solutions in ourselves
• We increasingly come to our essence
• We are allowed to fulfil our authentic mission
• Health, happiness and peace are the core values of life
• Wisdom, courage, strength and compassion are the qualities of life
• Systems (companies, families and other groups) are healthy and live in harmony
• Employees and customers become ambassadors for organizations
• Absenteeism and staff turnover drops to an all-time low
Courses Unity Conscious Leadership®
The great task of leadership is
to create alignment of strength,
making our weaknesses irrelevant.
– Peter Drucker –

Times of crisis, times of possibilities with Unity Conscious Leadership®
In Greek and Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ has two meanings; problems and possibilities!
Problems persist if you look for solutions outside of yourself. By finding solutions within yourself, you create possibilities for a new reality. You cannot change the behaviour of other people. You can only change the way you handle situations and view your world. That requires a mind shift. A paradigm shift from Dualism to Unity Conscious Leadership®.
Other offer
Inner leadership
A journey of discovery into your own unique talents and mission as a compass for the right choices and direction in your life, work, study and relationships.
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Group- leadership
Awareness, integration and commitment of all talents in the group with a shared mission. For organizations, teams, partners, families.
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Family dynamic
Break through obstructive patterns in life for more authenticity, freedom, happiness, love, strength, tranquility, potential and energy.
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System dynamic
For teams and organizations that want to use the lost energy of counterflow for a collective flow.
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A. Personal: for a healthy, happy and peaceful life. B. Cultural: take the steering wheel back into your own hands.
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When your inner decisions change, everything transforms. - Wolfgang von Goethe -
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Be the change
you want to see in the world!
– Mahatma Gandhi –

For whom?
Life is a school for learning.
And the experience is the best teacher.
– Dr. Joyce Z. Wazirali –
Do you recognize this?
- You have a burn-out, are highly sensitive, feel restless, there is a critic in you,
- Things in life happen to you again and again,
- You feel powerless,
- Everything you’ve done so far only works temporarily or not at all,
- Old pain keeps coming up again and again,
- Obstructive patterns keep repeating,
- It takes a lot of time and effort to get ahead,
- You are at a crossroad in your life, looking for a direction.
You are looking for:
- Inner peace,
- Energy
- Balance in your life or system (company, family or other group))
- (Self) love,
- Resilience,
- Inner power,
- Direction in your career or life,
- Your mission,
- Health, happiness and peace.
For individuals, leaders
and organizations:
- Who got stuck in old patterns,
- Are suffering,
- Standing at a ‘crossroad’, not knowing which direction to take,
- Are aware of a desire for changes for the future,
- Are not (properly) able to reach their potential, resilience or adaptability,
- Looking for health, happiness and peace.
- Want to live from Unity Conscious leadership®
‘The process in which Joyce takes you is unique in a wonderful recognition and discovery. Of yourself, of others in your immediate environment and of the reasons why things have developed in a certain way.’
‘With your input, you are able to get a stalled group of people moving again, to have a positive look at others and to continue working together from there on.’
‘For our company Inner game, my relationship with San and our letsbundl trip, the sessions with you have brought us a lot. By putting us in the moment and relying on your intuition, you have brought a lot into movement. Thanks!’
‘I had the opportunity to meet many healers and coaches during my career as an actress & writer, but Joyce is on the top! I strongly recommend her.’
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