Group leadership is the sum
of the inner leadership of the
individual members of the group.
Group leadership is a journey of discovery for organizations, teams, partners and families with the aim of raising awareness, integration and commitment of all talents in the group with a shared mission.
Our talents are our innate potential, give color to who we are in essence, and represent the building blocks of our (life) mission. The more someone knows and uses their own talents and mission, the easier it becomes to do the things that go easy and make them happy.
Circumstances can ignite, extinguish, or even sabotage our talents.
Such as children who are told at an early age that they cannot draw, sing, dance, organize or learn. While these talents are present deep inside, it is decided not to do anything with it. Because I can’t! As a result, talents remain unused and unknown.
If within an organization or system (partners, team, family) the individual members take their inner leadership, the joint potential and mission will grow and contribute to connection, better cooperation, harmony, pleasant (working) atmosphere and an organization or system that functions.
Since 2017 I have guided many customers to their inner leadership with profound changes. I wish every person, organization or system to experience this at least once.
A. With the Game of gifts
For whom and when?
As an organization or system (of people) you have the aim to achieve common goals. As a responsible person you will be judged on the result achieved while you depend on the contribution of the individual members within the system. Often there is more potential in everyone in the system, which remains unused.
Do you work together in a group or are you part of a system such as a (composed) family? Are you (ultimately) responsible such as; director, manager, supervisor and you miss the interconnectedness and synergy between the people. Agreements are not kept and goals are not achieved. Do you have the impression that there is more potential in the group than comes out? Then the Game of gifts is an intervention that can help you and your group or system connect in a newer and deeper way, see and use each other’s potential, achieve common goals and save time and energy.
1. (Cooperation) partners
2. Organizations and teams
3. Families
What do you achieve with it?
The Game of gifts is used for talent development and organizational development, for better cooperation and team building; discovering your own talents and those of your colleagues, partner or children so that effective use can be made of each other’s talents. The result: connection, better cooperation, harmony, a more pleasant (working) atmosphere and an organization or system that functions better.
Approach and duration
The Game of gifts for groups and systems is tailor-made and lasts several days or half days. The planning of the days and times can be determined by mutual agreement.
For more information, please fill in the registration form below.
B. Combination: The Game of gifts & System Dynamics
As an organization or system (of people), the intention is to achieve certain goals together. As the person with ultimate responsibility, you are also assessed on this, while you are dependent on the various individuals within the system who influence the goals to be achieved.
Do you work together in a group or are you part of a system such as a (composed) family? Are you a director / manager and do you miss the mutual connection and synergy between people? Agreements are not kept and goals are not achieved. Do you have the impression that there is more potential in the group than comes out?
Then the Game of gifts is an intervention that can help you and your group or system connect in a newer and deeper way, see and manifest each other’s potential, achieve common goals and save time and energy.
For whom and when?
Are you curious about the dynamics of each other’s talents and (life) missions as a contribution to the joint (life) mission? Do you want to gain insight into what prevents the group from fulfilling their mission? Or what it takes to remove the undercurrent in the group? Do you want to take your inner leadership as the person ultimately responsible? Are you curious about the cooperation and hierarchy between the talents in your team and your own position as an inner leader? In this way of working you reveal the visible and invisible dynamics of your inner leadership and what you do and do not need to take your inner leadership completely.
1. (Cooperation) partners
2. Organizations and teams
3. Families
What do you achieve with it?
Within organizations and systems (families and teams), Inner Leadership is deployed from the Game of gifts and System dynamics in talent development, organizational development, better cooperation and team building. Discovering your own talents and those of your colleagues, partner or children so that effective use can be made of each other’s talents. The result: connection, better cooperation, harmony, a more pleasant (working) atmosphere and an organization or system that functions better.
Approach and duration
The guidance takes place in 5 steps:
1. Everyone has gone through an individual inner leadership session and knows their own talents and (life) mission
2. Meeting of the group with their talents and mission
3. Constellation of internal collaboration for group talents
4. Constellation of group talents and group mission
5. Evaluation and eventual coaching
Group leadership with the Game of gifts in combination with System Dynamics takes several days or half days. The planning of the days and times can be determined by mutual agreement. For more information, please fill in the registration form below.