There is no way to happiness,
happiness is the way!
– Buddha –

This is a well-known quote that almost everyone knows. After 32 years of training and experience with people and organization growth and development and deepening in the Lotus Sutra, I have become aware of the deeper meaning of this quote.
Many people are looking for happiness outside themselves. A kind of grip of material things and people who help to get to the feeling of happiness. Meanwhile, society also confirms behaviour. Because if you have prestige, you have many friends. In Buddhism it is called relative happiness. A feeling of happiness that is related to aspects outside of yourself. When your environment changes, it affects your sense of happiness.
The only true happiness Buddha is talking about is absolute happiness. A feeling of happiness that remains unchanged regardless of your health and (living) circumstances, while retaining material things and dear people around you. Feeling absolutely happy in daily life in the midst of society.
Nowadays, many people are looking for answers and ways to get and stay with their feeling of happiness. It is quite a quest. In the course of my career, I guided the clients who longed for it and were open to it, to their absolute happiness. I discovered that first of all, a paradigm shift was necessary.
Paradigm shift from dualism to Unity Conscious Leadership®
Dualism, the old paradigm.
People and organizations often struggle with repetitive patterns of obstacles and counter currents. Believing that they are separate and independent of their environment, they look for causes and solutions outside themselves. They try to break through the patterns with a temporary fix by means of trial and error. They look at themselves and their world through the lens of dualism.
Unity Conscious Leadership®, the new paradigm.
In reality, human beings are interdependently connected and we influence each other continuously. Our environment is a reflection of our inner world. By looking for causes and solutions within ourselves, we can break through patterns and transform them with a lasting effect.
The key to and the path to absolute happiness is a paradigm shift from dualism to Unity Conscious Leadership®; with the awareness that everything and everyone is connected, your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. Starting with the challenge to transcend mutual differences.
The way to achieve Unity Conscious Leadership® is through interdependent growth and transformation.

There is nothing out there,
that is not present inside.
– Goethe –

Interdependent growth and transformation
Interdependent growth and transformation is the common thread running through Unity Conscious Leadership®.
Here three basic principles are considered:
- We are all visibly and invisibly interconnected with each other.
- Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world.
- Obstacles and setbacks with people and in situations are opportunities for growth and transformation.
The whole world is within you.
If you know how to look and learn.
The door is already there and the key is in your hand.
No one on earth can give you either the key,
or open the door for you.
Except you.
– Jiddu Krishnamurti –
Experience expert
My name is Joyce Z. Wazirali. Since 1988 I have specialized in Unity Conscious Leadership®.
From 1988 to 2002 I was together with my partner, co-founder, HR-manager and director of the Plasa Group: accountants, tax advisers, lawyers, organizational consultants, expat services and payroll. A company with 80 employees. Our employees and clients were our greatest ambassadors.
Since my childhood I have seen patterns and interdependence everywhere in nature and between people. The patterns made future events predictable to me. Seeing through patterns makes it easy and quick for me to ‘put my finger on the sore spot’ by asking a few questions and deploying the right guidance to break through and transform obstructive patterns. I thought everyone could see that.
In retrospect, it turned out that my gift (which I unconsciously used) was one of the factors for the success of the Plasa Group. Since 2002 I have used this gift for my new clients (individuals, leaders and organizations).
When I left the Plasa Group in 2001, I was called ‘the cement between the stones’ and ‘the silent power’ and had been nicknamed ‘Doctor Joyce’.
Through the practice of Nichiren Buddhism (since 2011) based on the Lotus Sutra, (proclaimed 2,600 years ago by Shakyamuni Buddha) I have become aware of why I perceive patterns of interdependence everywhere. And why the things that happen are so predictable to me.
The Lotus Sutra sets out the complex and all-encompassing Universal law of Cause and Effect, the basis of Unity Conscious Leadership®. Many clients have now a different view of themselves, their lives and their environment through my guidance. They use their obstacles in their lives for their own growth and transformation.

In 2019 I felt the calling to write a book. This will be published in 2020 under the title ‘Unity Conscious Leadership®’. Here you will find extensive information with theories and many practical examples about Unity Conscious Leadership®.
Unity Conscious Leadership® offers tailor-made Leadership programs for people and organizations.
Unity Conscious Leadership® is a state of life that helps:
• Looking: observing patterns (of obstacles and counter current) and their interdependence
• Learning: becoming aware of where the patterns originated
• Opening the door: using the right guidance to break through obstructive patterns
• Find the key: realize change only through your own efforts and cooperation.
With the following result:
• Growth in potential, resilience and adaptability,
• More health, happiness and peace.
I believe
that the religion of the future
will be
a cosmic religion.
– Albert Einstein –

The Lotus (Heart) Sutra as the origin of Unity Conscious Leadership®
Unity Conscious Leadership® has its origins in the Lotus Sutra, created 2,600 years ago by Shakyamuni Buddha also known as Gautama Siddhartha.
After passing on teachings which included how to relieve people of their suffering, many forms of yoga and meditation, Buddha sought answers about the coherence of life. He explained this in the Lotus Sutra. He concluded that the human heart is a treasure tower where both pain and the ability to achieve absolute happiness are stored. The human heart is sensitive, versatile and rich. And also includes the capacity to deliver incredible performance.
The wisdom of the Lotus Sutra is distributed through Buddha (2,600 BC) in India, T’ien-t’ai Chih-i (538–597) in China, Nichiren Daishonin (1222-1282), Tsunesaburo Makiguchi (1871-1944), Jose Toda (1900-1958) and Daisaku Ikeda (1928- present) in Japan, to the rest of the world since 1960 and practiced by over 12 million people in 201 countries and territories..